The Junior League of Poughkeepsie is now accepting applications from a not-for- profit, tax exempt corporation, for two $500 Grants, to address a certain and specific need in the community! *NOT limited to Dutchess County, expanded to the greater Hudson Valley!*
Applications are due back by APRIL 9, 2021 – in a scanned PDF form via email to: JLPoughkeepsie@gmail.com (subject line “JLP Grant Application 2020”). Two final awards and notification will be made on/about April 22, 2021. The two winning recipients will be asked to attend our May 3, 2021 General Membership Meeting (via Zoom) to talk about their projects, and behonored as our grant recipients.
Any further questions or inquiries may be directed to JLPoughkeepsie@gmail.com, with the subject line “JLP Grant Application 2021”
Please download our application packet for complete rules and instructions!